Nikolai Vladimirovich Chekhov
Chekhov, Nikolai Vladimirovich
Born June 15 (27), 1865, in St. Petersburg; died Nov. 8,1947, in Moscow. Soviet educator. Professor from 1923; doctor of pedagogical sciences from 1940; Honored Scientist of the RSFSR from 1940. Full member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR (1944).
After graduating in history and philology from the University of St. Petersburg in 1888, Chekhov taught at the school of the Ekaterinoslav Railroad and at various schools in Tula and Moscow provinces, Tver’, St. Petersburg, and Moscow. He was also active in the zemstvo school movement. A democratic educator, he organized several public courses and teachers’ conferences. During the Revolution of 1905–07 he was one of the leaders of the All-Russian Union of Teachers and Workers in Public Education. In 1910 he was named chairman of the Moscow council of the D. I. Tikhomirov pedagogical courses for women.
After the socialist revolution of October 1917, Chekhov was given a responsible position in the People’s Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR; he taught education and Russian language teaching methods in the faculty of pedagogy of the Second Moscow State University and in the Higher Courses of Scientific Pedagogy, and he did research work at the Institute of Children’s Reading and at the Institute of Scientific Pedagogy. His principal works are on the history of the Russian school, the organization of children’s reading programs, and the methods of teaching Russian in school. Chekhov was awarded the Order of Lenin in 1945.
Narodnoe obrazovanie v Rossii s 60-kh godov XIX v. (Collection.) Moscow, 1912.Vvedenie v izuchenie detskoi literatury. Moscow, 1915.
Tipy russkoishkoly v ikh istoricheskom razvitii. Moscow, 1923.
Kartinnyi slovar’ russkogo iazyka. Nagliadnoe uchebnoe posobie dlia uchashchikhsia nerusskikh nachal’nykh shkol, part 1, 10th ed.; part 2, 9th ed. Moscow, 1961. (With M. F. Robinson and Kh. G. Khakimov.)
Medynskii, E. N. “Stareishii sovetskii pedagog N. V. Chekhov.” Sovetskaia pedagogika, 1945, no. 9.Sedel’nikova, M. V. N. V. Chekhov—vidnyi deiatel’ narodnogo prosveshcheniia. Moscow, 1960.