Acronym | Definition |
OCB➣Optically Compensated Bend (liquid crystal display) |
OCB➣Organização das Cooperativas Brasileiras (Portuguese: Organization of Brazilian Cooperatives) |
OCB➣Object and Class Browser |
OCB➣Offset Codebook |
OCB➣Organizational Citizenship Behavior |
OCB➣Office of Cuba Broadcasting (Radio/TV Marti) |
OCB➣Ontario Child Benefit (Ontario, Canada) |
OCB➣Old Country Buffet (restaurant) |
OCB➣Overseas Corporate Body (India; finance) |
OCB➣Oil Circuit Breaker |
OCB➣Office of Community Beautification (Los Angeles, CA) |
OCB➣Organizational Citizenship Behaviour |
OCB➣Organizational Capacity Building (various locations) |
OCB➣Organized Crime Bureau |
OCB➣Obsessive Compulsive Behavior |
OCB➣Original Carton Box |
OCB➣O Co Biega (Polish) |
OCB➣Oligoclonal Band |
OCB➣Oregon Commission for the Blind |
OCB➣Optical Coherence Biometry (ophthalmology) |
OCB➣Opera Company of Brooklyn (New York) |
OCB➣Outgoing Calls Barred (Cisco) |
OCB➣Österreichischer Club für Beauceron (Austria) |
OCB➣Odet-Cascadec-Bolloré (smoking paper manufacturer; France) |
OCB➣Operations Coordination Board (US interagency foreign policy board) |
OCB➣Open Control Block (operating systems) |
OCB➣Operations Centers Branch |
OCB➣Operator Certification Board |
OCB➣Orlando City Beat (website) |
OCB➣Oregon Country Beef |
OCB➣Original Can of Beans (geocaching) |
OCB➣Optically Controlled Birefringence (liquid crystal display) |
OCB➣Offshore Certification Bureau (United Kingdom) |
OCB➣Orlando Concert Band |
OCB➣Order of the Crimson Blades (gaming guild) |
OCB➣Orthodox Christian Brotherhood |
OCB➣Olney Concert Band |
OCB➣Oldsmar Community Band (Oldsmar, FL) |
OCB➣Order of Contemporary Benedictines |