(Splinters), a Russian humorous magazine with caricatures, published weekly in St. Petersburg from 1881 to 1916.
From 1882 through 1905 the editor and publisher was N. A. Leikin. Oskolki primarily published humorous reviews and pieces ridiculing the mores of merchants, bureaucrats, and the theater. The most liberal humorous magazine of the 1880’s, it published the poetry and prose of L. N. Trefolev, N. S. Leskov, V. A. Giliarovskii, Leikin, and other writers. A. P. Chekhov was an active contributor to the magazine from 1882 to 1887.
Myshkovskaia, L. Chekhov i iumoristicheskie zhurnaly 80-kh gg. Moscow, 1929.Istoriia russkoi zhurnalistiki XVIII-XIX vv, 3rd ed. Moscow, 1973. Pages 495–98.