释义 |
NEabbr.1. Nebraska2. New England3. a. northeastb. northeastern
Ne 1The symbol for neon.
Ne 2abbr. Bible Nehemiahne the internet domain name for (Computer Science) Niger
Ne the chemical symbol for (Chemistry) neon
NE symbol for (Physical Geography) northeast(ern) abbreviation for (Placename) Nebraska
NE or N.E.abbreviation for (Placename) New EnglandNE 1. Nebraska. 2. northeast. 3. northeastern. Ne Chem. Symbol. neon. ne- var. of neo- before a vowel: neencephalon. N.E. 1. naval engineer. 2. New England. 3. northeast. 4. northeastern. n.e. 1. northeast. 2. northeastern. ThesaurusNoun | 1. Ne - a colorless odorless gaseous element that give a red glow in a vacuum tube; one of the six inert gasses; occurs in the air in small amountsatomic number 10, neonchemical element, element - any of the more than 100 known substances (of which 92 occur naturally) that cannot be separated into simpler substances and that singly or in combination constitute all matterargonon, inert gas, noble gas - any of the chemically inert gaseous elements of the helium group in the periodic tableair - a mixture of gases (especially oxygen) required for breathing; the stuff that the wind consists of; "air pollution"; "a smell of chemicals in the air"; "open a window and let in some air"; "I need some fresh air" | | 2. NE - the compass point midway between north and east; at 45 degreesnor'-east, northeast, northeastwardcompass point, point - any of 32 horizontal directions indicated on the card of a compass; "he checked the point on his compass" | | 3. NE - a midwestern state on the Great PlainsCornhusker State, NebraskaBad Lands, Badlands - an eroded and barren region in southwestern South Dakota and northwestern Nebraskamiddle west, Midwest, midwestern United States - the north central region of the United States (sometimes called the heartland or the breadbasket of America)U.S.A., United States, United States of America, US, USA, America, the States, U.S. - North American republic containing 50 states - 48 conterminous states in North America plus Alaska in northwest North America and the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean; achieved independence in 1776Grand Island - a town in south central Nebraskacapital of Nebraska, Lincoln - capital of the state of Nebraska; located in southeastern Nebraska; site of the University of NebraskaNorth Platte - a town in west central Nebraska on the Platte RiverOmaha - largest city in Nebraska; located in eastern Nebraska on the Missouri river; a major transportation center of the MidwestNorth Platte, North Platte River - a river that rises in northern Colorado and flows northward into Wyoming and then eastward and southeastward through Nebraska where it joins the South Platte to form the Platte RiverPlatte, Platte River - a river in Nebraska that flows eastward to become a tributary of the Missouri RiverRepublican River, Republican - a tributary of the Kansas River that flows from eastern Colorado eastward through Nebraska and KansasSouth Platte, South Platte River - a tributary of the Platte River |
je ne sais quoiA positive or pleasant quality that is difficult to define. This French phrase translates to "I don't know what" in English. She had a certain je ne sais quoi that men found quite attractive.See also: Nenever the twain shall meetThese two people, things, or groups are so fundamentally different from one another that they will never be able to coexist or think alike. Primarily heard in US. My best friend is a staunch conservative, while my brother is a hardcore liberal, and never the twain shall meet.See also: meet, never, shall, twainne plus ultraThe peak or highest point (of something). The film is often considered the ne plus ultra of the director's oeuvre. To this day, her administration is considered the ne plus ultra of political scandal.See also: Ne, plusnever the twain shall meet or ne'er the twain shall meet LITERARYPeople say never the twain shall meet or ne'er the twain shall meet when they believe that there are so many differences between two groups of people or two groups of things that they can never exist together. The British education system is notorious for separating the sciences and the humanities. This academic `ne'er the twain shall meet' policy does not always reflect the needs of the real world. Note: People often vary this expression. For example, they say that the twain should meet or the twain are not supposed to meet. Although they recognised differences between East and West, they went on to argue that the twain should and must meet. Note: `Twain' is an old-fashioned word meaning two. This is a quotation from `The Ballad of East and West' (1889) by the English poet Rudyard Kipling: `Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet.' See also: meet, never, shall, twainnever the twain shall meet two people or things are too different to exist alongside or understand each other. This phrase comes from Rudyard Kipling's poem ‘The Ballad of East and West’ ( 1892 ): ‘Oh, East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet’.See also: meet, never, shall, twainˌje ne sais ˈquoi /%Z@ n@ seI "kwA:/ (from French, often humorous) a good quality that is difficult to describe: He has that je ne sais quoi that distinguishes a professional from an amateur. ♢ It has a certain je ne sais quoi that really appeals to me.The meaning of the French phrase is ‘I do not know what’.See also: Nenever the ˌtwain shall ˈmeet (saying) used to say that two things are so different that they cannot exist together: People in the area where I grew up were either landowners or farmers, and never the twain shall meet. Twain is an old word meaning ‘two’.See also: meet, never, shall, twainne plus ultraUltimate perfection, the highest point to which something can be brought. The words are Latin for “nothing further” and allegedly quoted an inscription on the Pillars of Hercules, in the Strait of Gibraltar, meant to prevent ships from going any farther. The term was taken over into English in the 1600s and with overuse became a cliché. For example, “In the fascination of young Russians for Western things, jeans are the ne plus ultra of the modish. . . .” (Collin Thubron, Among the Russians, 1983).See also: Ne, plusne plus ultraThe highest point of excellence, acme. Loosely translated from the Latin for “there is no reason to go further,” the phrase is a synonym of “zenith.” A new car with all the most modern features that any buyer could wish for (or so the manufacturer claims) might be touted as the ne plus ultra of automobiles. Legend has it that “ne plus ultra”—in its literal sense—was inscribed on Gibraltar's Pillars of Hercules as a warning to mariners not to venture, depending on the direction in which they were sailing, into the Atlantic Ocean or the Mediterranean Sea.See also: Ne, plusneenUK
Ne, symbol for the element neonneon [Gr.,=new], gaseous chemical element; symbol Ne; at. no. 10; at. wt. 20.1797; m.p. −248.67°C;; b.p. −246.048°C;; density 0.8999 grams per liter at STP; valence 0. Neon is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas. ..... Click the link for more information. .Nebraska State Information Phone: (402) 471-2311 www.nebraska.gov
Area (sq mi):: 77353.73 (land 76872.41; water 481.31) Population per square mile: 22.90 Population 2005: 1,758,787 State rank: 0 Population change: 2000-20005 2.80%; 1990-2000 8.40% Population 2000: 1,711,263 (White 87.30%; Black or African American 4.00%; Hispanic or Latino 5.50%; Asian 1.30%; Other 5.10%). Foreign born: 4.40%. Median age: 35.30 Income 2000: per capita $19,613; median household $39,250; Population below poverty level: 9.70% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $27,625-$30,179 Unemployment (2004): 3.90% Unemployment change (from 2000): 1.10% Median travel time to work: 18.00 minutes Working outside county of residence: 19.40%
List of Nebraska counties:Adams CountyAntelope CountyArthur CountyBanner CountyBlaine CountyBoone CountyBox Butte CountyBoyd CountyBrown CountyBuffalo CountyBurt CountyButler CountyCass CountyCedar CountyChase CountyCherry CountyCheyenne CountyClay CountyColfax CountyCuming CountyCuster CountyDakota CountyDawes CountyDawson CountyDeuel CountyDixon CountyDodge CountyDouglas CountyDundy CountyFillmore CountyFranklin County | Frontier CountyFurnas CountyGage CountyGarden CountyGarfield CountyGosper CountyGrant CountyGreeley CountyHall CountyHamilton CountyHarlan CountyHayes CountyHitchcock CountyHolt CountyHooker CountyHoward CountyJefferson CountyJohnson CountyKearney CountyKeith CountyKeya Paha CountyKimball CountyKnox CountyLancaster CountyLincoln CountyLogan CountyLoup CountyMadison CountyMcPherson CountyMerrick CountyMorrill County | Nance CountyNemaha CountyNuckolls CountyOtoe CountyPawnee CountyPerkins CountyPhelps CountyPierce CountyPlatte CountyPolk CountyRed Willow CountyRichardson CountyRock CountySaline CountySarpy CountySaunders CountyScotts Bluff CountySeward CountySheridan CountySherman CountySioux CountyStanton CountyThayer CountyThomas CountyThurston CountyValley CountyWashington CountyWayne CountyWebster CountyWheeler CountyYork County | |
Nebraska Parks- US National Parks
Agate Fossil Beds National Monument Chimney Rock National Historic Site
| Homestead National Monument of America Missouri National Recreational River
| Niobrara National Scenic River Scotts Bluff National Monument
| |
- Urban Parks
Glenn Cunningham Lake Levi Carter Park
| NP Dodge Memorial Park Standing Bear Lake
| Tranquility Park Zorinsky Lake Park
| |
- State Parks
Alexandria State Recreation Area Arbor Lodge State Historical Park Arnold State Recreation Area Ash Hollow State Historical Park Ashfall Fossil Beds State Historical Park Atkinson Lake State Recreation Area Blue River State Recreation Area Bluestem State Recreation Area Bowman Lake State Recreation Area Bowring Ranch State Historical Park Box Butte Reservoir State Recreation Area Branched Oak State Recreation Area Bridgeport State Recreation Area Brownville State Recreation Area Buffalo Bill Ranch State Historical Park Buffalo Bill Ranch State Recreation Area Calamus State Recreation Area Chadron State Park Champion Lake State Recreation Area Champion Mill State Historical Park Cheyenne State Recreation Area Conestoga State Recreation Area Cottonwood Lake State Recreation Area Cowboy State Recreation Trail Crystal Lake State Recreation Area Dead Timber State Recreation Area DLD State Recreation Area Enders Reservoir State Recreation Area Eugene T. Mahoney State Park
| Fort Atkinson State Historical Park Fort Hartsuff State Historical Park Fort Kearny State Historical Park Fort Kearny State Recreation Area Fort Robinson State Park Fremont Lakes State Recreation Area Gallagher Canyon State Recreation Area Indian Cave State Park Johnson Lake State Recreation Area Keller Park State Recreation Area Lake Maloney State Recreation Area Lake McConaughy State Recreation Area Lake Minatare State Recreation Area Lake Ogallala State Recreation Area Lewis & Clark State Recreation Area Long Lake State Recreation Area Long Pine State Recreation Area Louisville State Recreation Area Medicine Creek State Recreation Area Memphis State Recreation Area Merritt Reservoir State Recreation Area Mormon Island State Recreation Area Niobrara State Park North Loup State Recreation Area Olive Creek State Recreation Area Oliver Reservoir State Recreation Area Pawnee State Recreation Area Pelican Point State Recreation Area Pibel Lake State Recreation Area
| Pioneer State Recreation Area Platte River State Park Ponca State Park Red Willow Reservoir State Recreation Area Riverview Marina State Recreation Area Rock Creek Lake State Recreation Area Rock Creek Station State Historical Park Rock Creek Station State Recreation Area Rockford State Recreation Area Sandy Channel State Recreation Area Schramm Park State Recreation Area Sherman Reservoir State Recreation Area Smith Falls State Park Stagecoach State Recreation Area Summit Lake State Recreation Area Sutherland Reservoir State Recreation Area Swanson Reservoir State Recreation Area Two Rivers State Recreation Area Union Pacific State Recreation Area Verdon State Recreation Area Victoria Springs State Recreation Area Wagon Train State Recreation Area Walgren Lake State Recreation Area War Axe State Recreation Area Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area Willow Creek State Recreation Area Windmill State Recreation Area
- Parks and Conservation-Related Organizations - US
National Arbor Day Foundation
| |
- National Wildlife Refuges
Boyer Chute National Wildlife Refuge Crescent Lake National Wildlife Refuge
| Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge North Platte National Wildlife Refuge
| Valentine National Wildlife Refuge
- National Trails
Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail
| |
- National Grasslands
Buffalo Gap, Fort Pierre and Oglala National Grasslands
| |
- National Forests
Nebraska & Samuel R. McKelvie National Forests
| |
ne (networking)The country code for Niger.NE(Not Equal to) See relational operator.NeenUK
neon (Ne) [ne´on] a chemical element, atomic number 10, atomic weight 20.183. (See Appendix 6.)NEAbbreviation for norepinephrine; not examined. NeSymbol for neon.nephropathia epidemica (nĕf″rō-păth′ē-ă ĕp″ĭ-dĕm′ĭ-kă, -dēm′) [NL, “epidemic nephropathy”], NEA mosquito-borne viral infection found almost exclusively in northern European nations (e.g., Finland and Sweden). Its principal symptoms are fever, abdominal pain, and renal failure.
neutrophil, neutrophile (noo'tro-fil?, nu') (-fil?) [ neutro- + -phile], NE NEUTROPHILS: two segmented neutrophilsA granular white blood cell (WBC), the most common type (55% to 70%) of WBC. Neutrophils are responsible for much of the body's protection against infection. They play a primary role in inflammation, are readily attracted to foreign antigens (chemotaxis), and destroy them by phagocytosis. Neutrophils killed during inflammation release destructive enzymes and toxic oxygen radicals that eradicate infectious microorganisms. An inadequate number of neutrophils (neutropenia) leaves the body at high risk for infection from many sources and requires protective precautions on the part of health care workers. Cancer patients receiving chemotherapy, which destroys leukocytes, must be carefully protected from infections during the course of therapy and until the bone marrow produces additional leukocytes. As part of a severe inflammatory response or autoimmune disorder, neutrophils may begin attacking normal cells and cause tissue damage. This occurs in adult respiratory distress syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, myocarditis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Corticosteroids are the most commonly used drugs to minimize the damage caused by severe inflammation. Synonym: neutrophilic leukocyte See: illustration; blood for illus. polysegmented neutrophilPolymorphonuclear leukocyte.illustrationPatient discussion about NeQ. hey to all! jow r my adhd companeros doing today?? have you guys heard of anything ne in the alternative area? I've heard adhd can spoil your nutrition by making you consume more sugar (and similars) than you really need.is it true??A. i have ADHD and for my part i eat less sugar than before because i have not the desire to. there are phases i love to eat some good swiss chocolate and then during a month or more i eat not sweet food anymore. another thing is that yo have sugar and sugar. white raffined sugar makes you more depending than biological unraffined sugar. it does also make your body more acide and gives caries. biological sugar is neutral and gives no caries! if you stop smoking you would love to eat sweet things. in this case you should drink some water instead to take a cookie or chocolate. More discussions about NeNE
NEThe two-character ISO 3166 country code for NIGER.NE
Acronym | Definition |
NE➣Nebraska (US postal abbreviation) | NE➣Northeast(ern) | NE➣Any | NE➣New England | NE➣New Edition | NE➣Netherlands | NE➣National Education | NE➣Niue | NE➣No Evidence (school grading system) | NE➣Neon | NE➣Niger (ISO country code, top level domain) | NE➣Not Equal | NE➣Neuss (German city) | NE➣Nuclear Energy | NE➣Neuchâtel (canton postcode, Switzerland) | NE➣Net Energy (animal science) | NE➣Newcastle Upon Tyne (postcode, United Kingdom) | NE➣Neuquen (Argentina province, airline code) | NE➣Neuenburg (Neuchâtel; Swiss Canton) | NE➣Norepinephrine | NE➣Not Evaluated (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species category) | NE➣Not Examined | NE➣not enrolled | NE➣National Enquirer | NE➣Natural England (UK) | NE➣No Escape (Gaming clan) | NE➣New Entrant | NE➣Neutrophil Elastase | NE➣Night Elf (Warcraft III) | NE➣Nuclear Extract | NE➣Network Element | NE➣Night Elf (gaming) | NE➣Nitzer Ebb (band) | NE➣Noise Equivalent | NE➣Nippon Express (various locations) | NE➣Nuclear Engineer | NE➣Nueva Ecija (Philippines) | NE➣Nash Equilibrium (game theory) | NE➣Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle) | NE➣Nuclear Envelope (cell anatomy) | NE➣Node Element | NE➣Nitro Express | NE➣Nikkei Electronics (magazine; Japan) | NE➣Nutrition Educator | NE➣Naval Engineer | NE➣Neutral Evil (gaming) | NE➣Nocturnal Emission | NE➣Navy Enlisted | NE➣Necrotic Enteritis (enterotoxemic disease of poultry) | NE➣Network Essentials | NE➣Non-Established | NE➣Naked Empire (Terry Goodkind book) | NE➣Operation Noble Eagle | NE➣Not Estimable | NE➣Nach Elfmeterschießen (German soccer) | NE➣Navy Enterprise | NE➣Navio Escola (School Ship, Portuguese Navy) | NE➣Navy Evaluation | NE➣New Technical Environment | NE➣Occupation Special Delivery (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately) |
ne Words with ne in definition:- Nebraska Army National Guard
- Nebraska Link 10D
- Nebraska Spur 12B
- Nebraska Spur 14A
- Nebraska Spur 18C
- Nebraska Spur 19A
- Nebraska Spur 1C
- Ne-Yo discography
- Isotopes of neon
- Je Ne Sais Pas Pourquoi
- neon
- Albafilm-Tirana
- Ne~e?
- Maple Leaf, Seattle, Washington
- U.S. Route 20 in Nebraska
- Saa language
- Ishikawajima Ne-20
- On ne change pas (song)
- United States District Court for the District of Nebraska
- List of planning areas in Hong Kong
- East End X Yuri
- nephralgia
- Habanera (aria)
- Bongo Bong
- On ne change pas (DVD)
- Wedgwood, Seattle, Washington
- Chinwangtao
- hypophonesis
- Menado
- Nebraska Highway 23
- neologically
- nevoid
- Rekne
- César Awards 2007
- nephralgic
- Tous les secrets
- Sein Lwin
- River City Star
- Central US Tornado Outbreak of 1990
- A Girl like Me (Rihanna album)
- NE
- Nebraska Link 1E
- Nebraska Spur 12C
- Nebraska Spur 14B
- Nebraska Spur 18D
- Nebraska Spur 19B
- Nebraska Spur 1D
- Ne Win
- List of Registered Historic Buildings in Miami Shores, Florida
- Kora (pilgrimage)
- University District, Seattle, Washington
- Je ne vous oublie pas
- Nebraska Highway 50
- So Sick
- Calgary Cross
- Aung Gyi
- Nebraska Highway 11
- .ne
- Yated Ne'eman
- List of state-named roadways in Washington, D.C.
- Virus (Russian band)
- sternebra
- Pre-1945 State Road 4 (Florida)
- Nebraska Highway 22
- H Street (Washington, D.C.)
- Isotopes of fluorine
- Contact (Mad Heads album)
- irreplaceable
- Nas Ne Dogonyat
- Nebraska Highway 370
- Neopagan
- nevose
- Shche ne vmerla Ukrainy
- ne-
- Nezelof
- Hymne Monégasque
- Herzog, Fox & Ne'eman
- Can We Chill
- hypopnea
- Ba Swe
- List of Registered Historic Places in the District of Columbia
- Nebraska Spur 10A
- Nebraska Spur 12D
- Nebraska Spur 14C
- Nebraska Spur 18E
- Nebraska Spur 19C
- List of Nebraska Connecting Link, Spur, and Recreation Highways
- Because of You (Ne-Yo song)
- On ne change pas
- Nebraska Highway 31
- Nebraska Highway 2
- Bay Point Estates, Miami, Florida
- Nebraska Highway 85
- Beaumont-Wilshire, Portland, Oregon
- In My Own Words
- calcaneal
- Nebraska Highway 8
- Ne (kana)
- Calgary East (provincial electoral district)
- New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad
- Ne (GE)
- Transaction Language 1
- chromonema
- Marco Né
- Ne me plaignez pas
- acneform
- Dil Ne Jise Apna Kahaa
- je ne sais quoi
- necrosed
- nephritic
- New England Interstate Route 28
- Stay (Ne-Yo song)
- acne generalis
- precuneate
- Bongo Bong and Je Ne T'Aime Plus
- Ne Me Quitte Pas (Jacques Brel album)
- Ne exeat republica
- necrology
- Calgary McCall
- Nebraska Link 10B
- Nebraska Spur 11A
- Nebraska Spur 12E
- Nebraska Spur 18A
- Nebraska Spur 18F
- Nebraska Spur 1A
- List of Albanian films
- Ne-Yo
- Yuval Ne'eman
- Sexy Love
- Nebraska Highway 92
- Monte Ne
- U.S. Route 26 in Nebraska
- North Dakota Highway 20
- Je ne veux pas
- nephrotomy
- Marjane, Marjane
- ne plus ultra
- Calgary North Hill
- North Dakota Avenue (Washington, D.C.)
- Ne partez pas sans moi
- treponematosis
- ne'er-do-well
- Nebraska Highway 15
- Nebraska census statistical areas
- Anemonefish
- Georgia State Route 237
- Kyaa Dil Ne Kahaa
- Nebraska Heavyweight Championship
- necrotomy
- nephrogenous
- Piedmont Road
- Susu language
- cyanemia
- ne tr. s. num.
- Nebraska Highway 4
- Ne Temere
- Sorenson Parkway
- Si le grain ne meurt
- Clyde Hill, Washington
- Nebraska Link 10C
- Nebraska Spur 12A
- Nebraska Spur 12F
- Nebraska Spur 18B
- Nebraska Spur 18G
- Nebraska Spur 1B
- Mui Ne
- Bryant, Seattle, Washington
- Areas of Leeds
- Ne Ver', Ne Boysia
- Neda Ukraden
- Morningside, Miami, Florida
- Upper Eastside, Miami, Florida
- When You're Mad
- Pipil grammar
- November 1992 tornado outbreak
- Nebraska Highway 14
- Nebraska Highway 16
- Kansas Avenue (Washington, D.C.)
- South Dakota Avenue (Washington, D.C.)
- Nebraska Highway 12
- 1932 state highway renumbering (Connecticut)
- Rien Ne Me Changera
- Nebraska Highway 64
- Ravenna, Seattle, Washington
- Ausable
- Hate That I Love You
- Libiamo ne' lieti calici
- Nebraska Highway 133
- neological
- nephroma
- properitoneal
- T.A.T.u. Remixes
- hydronephrotic
- Nakajima J9Y
- Russia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2003
- Pleasant Hill, Washington, D.C.
- amnesic
- Arsène Né
- Czech American
Synonyms for Nenoun a colorless odorless gaseous element that give a red glow in a vacuum tubeSynonymsRelated Words- chemical element
- element
- argonon
- inert gas
- noble gas
- air
noun the compass point midway between north and eastSynonyms- nor'-east
- northeast
- northeastward
Related Wordsnoun a midwestern state on the Great PlainsSynonymsRelated Words- Bad Lands
- Badlands
- middle west
- Midwest
- midwestern United States
- U.S.A.
- United States
- United States of America
- US
- America
- the States
- U.S.
- Grand Island
- capital of Nebraska
- Lincoln
- North Platte
- Omaha
- North Platte River
- Platte
- Platte River
- Republican River
- Republican
- South Platte
- South Platte River