Max Johann Sigismund Schultze
Schultze, Max Johann Sigismund
Born Mar. 25,1825, in Freiburg; died Jan. 16, 1874, in Bonn. German zoologist and histologist.
Schultze graduated from the University of Griefswald and attended lectures at the University of Berlin. He was a professor at the universities of Halle (from 1854) and Bonn (1859–74). His main works dealt with protozoans. Schultze came to the conclusion that the “sarcode” of protozoans and the protoplasm of plant cells were one and the same. In the article Ueber Muskelkörperchen und das was man eine Zelle zu nennen habe (On Muscle Corpuscles and on What May Properly be Called a Cell; 1861), he stated the necessity for reexamining the notion of the cell advanced by T. Schwann and defined the cell as a “globule of protoplasm surrounding a nucleus.” He was the author of a number of zoological and histological studies, in particular, studies on the histology of the eye in animals and on the electric organs of fishes.