Nikolai Vasilevich Razin

Razin, Nikolai Vasil’evich


Born Apr. 26 (May 9), 1904, in the village of Verkhniaia Gora, in present-day Kirillov Raion, Vologda Oblast. Soviet hydraulic engineer. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1968); Hero of Socialist Labor (1958). Became a member of the CPSU in 1951.

Razin graduated from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute in 1929. He participated in the design work for connecting the Pechora, Vychegda, and Kama rivers; the Solikamsk hydroengineering complex; and the Shirokovskii Hydroelectric Power Plant on the Kos’va River. In 1949, Razin became chief construction engineer for the Tsimliansk hydroengineering complex on the Don River; in 1953 he held the same position at the Volga V. I. Lenin Hydroelectric Power Plant. From 1962 to 1967 he was chief engineer of Gidroproekt (full name, the S. Ia. Zhuk All-Union Project Surveying and Scientific Research Institute). He later headed the division of regional water problems of the Council for the Study of Productive Forces.

Razin is the author of works dealing principally with various questions of hydraulic engineering and hydraulic power. He has been awarded the State Prize of the USSR (1952), two Orders of Lenin, and various medals.


Tsimlianskii gidrouzel. Moscow-Leningrad, 1954.
Opyt stroitel’stva Volzhskoi gidroelektrostantsii im. V. I. Lenina. Moscow-Leningrad, 1960.