Nikolai Ushakov
Ushakov, Nikolai Nikolaevich
Born May 25 (June 6), 1899, in Rostov-Iaroslavskii; died Nov. 17, 1973, in Kiev. Soviet Russian poet.
In 1924, Ushakov graduated from the department of law of the Kiev Institute of the National Economy. His work was first published in 1923. His first book of poetry, Spring of the Republic (1927), was devoted to the events of the revolution and snowed the influence of constructivism. In his mature works, Ushakov imparted an emotional, lyric quality to subject matter presented in the form of a chronicle or historical narrative. These works include A Tale of Old Times (1931), The Calendar (1933), Travels (1940), Spring Palace (1962), and The Theodolite (1967).
Ushakov’s collections of articles on poetry include I Recognize You, Life! (1958), The Poetry Contest (1969), and I’m Not Afraid of a Verbal Rhyme (1970), which won the Shevchenko Prize of the Ukrainian SSR in 1973.
Ushakov was awarded the Order of Lenin, two other orders, and various medals.
Moi vek: Stikhotvoreniia. [Introductory article by V. Ognev.] Moscow, 1973.lakoria zemli: Stikhotvoreniia 1969–73. Moscow, 1974.
Tel’pugov, V. Nikolai Ushakov. Moscow, 1961.Novikova, M. Mir na obraz mnozhimyi. Kiev, 1970.
Ozerov, L. “Ushakovskaia shkola.” Literaturnaia Rossiia, June 7, 1974.