Nikolai Tsinger
Tsinger, Nikolai Iakovlevich
Born Apr. 19, 1842, in Moscow; died Oct. 16, 1918, in Petrograd. Russian astronomer and geodesist. Corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1900).
Tsinger graduated from the Artillery Academy in 1863 and the Academy of the General Staff in 1870. From 1873 to 1883 he worked at the Pulkovo Observatory. Beginning in 1883, he was a professor at the Academy of the General Staff. In 1874 Tsinger proposed a method of determining clock corrections from observations of two stars at equal altitudes.
Kurs vysshei geodezii. St. Petersburg, 1898.Kurs astronomii (Chast’ teoreticheskaia), 2nd ed. Petrograd, 1922.
Kurs astronomii (Chast’prakticheskaia), 2nd ed. Petrograd, 1915.