Nikolai Sus

Sus, Nikolai Ivanovich


Born June 1 (13), 1880, in the village of Ogievtsy, in what is now Volyn’ Oblast; died Aug. 26, 1967, in Saratov. Soviet scientist; specialist in land reclamation through forest planting. Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1947); honorary member of the V. I. Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences (1956).

Sus graduated from the Forestry Institute in St. Petersburg in 1907. In 1920 he became a professor at the University of Saratov, and in 1924 a professor at the Saratov Agricultural Institute. From 1931 to 1938 he also worked at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Land Reclamation Through Forest Planting. His main works are devoted to problems of ravine reinforcement, afforestation of sands, and shelterbelts for fields.

Sus was awarded the Order of Lenin, two other orders, and medals.


Agrolesomeliorativnoe delo: Spravochnik. Moscow-Leningrad, 1933.
Zashchitnoe lesorazvedenie. Moscow-Leningrad, 1948.
Eroziia pochvy i bor’ba s neiu (Lesomeliorativnye meropriiatiia). Moscow, 1949.
Agrolesomelioratsiia. (Editor.) Moscow, 1956.


“Pochetnyi chlen VASKhNIL N. I. Sus.” Lesnoe khoziaistvo, 1956, no. 8.