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ad nauseam
ad nau·se·am A0094600 (ăd nô′zē-əm)adv. To a disgusting or ridiculous degree; to the point of nausea. [Latin ad, to + nauseam, accusative of nausea, sickness.]ad nauseam (æd ˈnɔːzɪˌæm; -sɪ-) advto a disgusting extent[Latin: to (the point of) nausea]ad nau•se•am (æd ˈnɔ zi əm, -ˌæm) adv. to a sickening or disgusting degree. [< Latin: literally, to seasickness] ad nauseamA Latin phrase meaning to the point of nausea, used to mean to a point where someone is disgusted.ThesaurusAdv. | 1. | ad nauseam - to a sickening extent; "he played the song ad nauseam" |
ad nauseamadverb (Latin) again and again, over and over (again), on and on, time and (time) again, time after time, ad infinitum, times without number We discussed it ad nauseum.Translationsad nauseam
ad nauseamContinuously and to excess. The phrase is Latin for "to nausea" (to the point that one becomes ill). I couldn't help but check my watch as Beth talked ad nauseam about her boyfriend's accomplishments.See also: adad nauseamTo ridiculous excess, to a sickening degree. For example, I wish he'd drop the subject; we have heard about budget cuts ad nauseam. The term, Latin for "to [the point of] nausea," has been used in English since the early 1600s. See also: adˌad ˈnauseam (from Latin) if a person says or does something ad nauseam, they say or do it again and again so that it becomes boring or annoying: Television sports commentators repeat the same phrases ad nauseam.The meaning of the Latin phrase is ‘to sickness’.See also: adad nauseam
ad nauseam (ad no′zē-ăm) [L. to (sea)sickness] Of such degree or extent as to produce nausea. ad nauseam
Synonyms for ad nauseamadv again and againSynonyms- again and again
- over and over (again)
- on and on
- time and (time) again
- time after time
- ad infinitum
- times without number