Latgale Upland

Latgale Upland


in the southeastern part of the Latvian SSR, in the basin of the Daugava, Dubna, Malta, and Rēzekne rivers. It rises to 289 m (Lielais Liepukalns).

The upland is principally composed of Devonian marls and dolomites at its base. There are loose moraine-clay, ancient lake, and fluvioglacial deposits on the surface. The relief is morainic and hilly (kames, ancient runoff” valleys, and lake basins). It has more than 600 lakes (Rušonu, Rāznas, Sīvera, Ežu, Drídza, and others). The Latgale Upland is covered by coniferous (spruce and pine) and mixed forests, with oak, maple, and the like. Tourists are attracted to the picturesque island-studded lakes and the historical and archaeological sites. The Latgale Upland is one of the republic’s chief flax-producing regions.