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magnoliopsid genus ThesaurusNoun | 1. magnoliopsid genus - genus of flowering plants having two cotyledons (embryonic leaves) in the seed which usually appear at germinationdicot genusgenus - (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more speciesmagnoliid dicot genus - genus of dicotyledonous flowering plants regarded as among the most primitive of extant angiospermshamamelid dicot genus - genus of mostly woody relatively primitive dicotyledonous flowering plants with flowers often unisexual and often borne in catkinscaryophylloid dicot genus - genus of relatively early dicotyledonous plants including mostly flowersdilleniid dicot genus - genus of more or less advanced dicotyledonous trees and shrubs and herbsasterid dicot genus - genus of more or less advanced dicotyledonous herbs and some trees and shrubsrosid dicot genus - a genus of dicotyledonous plantsclass Dicotyledonae, class Dicotyledones, class Magnoliopsida, Dicotyledonae, Dicotyledones, Magnoliopsida - comprising seed plants that produce an embryo with paired cotyledons and net-veined leaves; divided into six (not always well distinguished) subclasses (or superorders): Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae (considered primitive); Caryophyllidae (an early and distinctive offshoot); and three more or less advanced groups: Dilleniidae; Rosidae; Asteridaegenus Myrica, Myrica - deciduous aromatic shrubs or small treesComptonia, genus Comptonia - one species: sweet ferngenus Leitneria, Leitneria - one species: corkwoodApocynum, genus Apocynum - perennial herbs with small pink or white flowersAcocanthera, Acokanthera, genus Acocanthera, genus Acokanthera - small genus of trees and shrubs containing strongly toxic cardiac glycosides; Arabia to AfricaAdenium, genus Adenium - one species: succulent shrub or tree of tropical Africa and Arabiagenus Allamanda - genus of tropical American woody vinesAlstonia, genus Alstonia - genus of evergreen trees or shrubs with white funnel-shaped flowers and milky sap; tropical Africa to southeastern Asia and PolynesiaAmsonia, genus Amsonia - genus of herbs and subshrubs with milky juice and showy bluish flowers; Europe to Asia Minor to Japan and North AmericaBeaumontia, genus Beaumontia - small genus of evergreen woody vines in the East Indies and Asiagenus Carissa - Old World genus of tropical evergreen usually spiny shrubsCatharanthus, genus Catharanthus - small genus of erect annual or perennial herbs native to Madagascar; widely naturalized in the tropics; formerly included in genus Vincagenus Holarrhena, Holarrhena - genus of deciduous trees and shrubs of tropical Africa and AsiaDipladenia, genus Dipladenia, genus Mandevilla, Mandevilla - genus of tropical South American tuberous perennial woody vines with large racemose flowers and milky sapgenus Nerium, Nerium - one species: oleandergenus Plumeria, Plumeria, Plumiera - deciduous shrubs and trees of tropical America having branches like candelabra and fragrant white or pink flowersgenus Rauvolfia, genus Rauwolfia - pantropical genus of somewhat poisonous shrubs and small treesgenus Strophanthus - genus of tropical Asiatic and African shrubs and woody vines and small treesgenus Tabernaemontana, Tabernaemontana - evergreen tropical trees and shrubs with milky sapgenus Thevetia, Thevetia - genus of poisonous tropical American evergreen shrubs and trees having entire leaves and large cymose flowersgenus Trachelospermum, Trachelospermum - genus of Asiatic woody vines with milky sap in leaves and stemsgenus Vinca, Vinca - periwinkles: low creeping evergreen perennialsAristolochia, genus Aristolochia - birthworts; Dutchman's-pipeAsarum, genus Asarum - wild gingergenus Nopalea, Nopalea - a genus of the cactus family with scarlet flowersgenus Primula - very large and important genus of plants of temperate Europe and Asia having showy flowersAnagallis, genus Anagallis - chiefly Old World herbsCentunculus, genus Centunculus - a dicotyledonous genus of the family Primulaceaegenus Cyclamen - genus of widely cultivated flowering Eurasian herbs with centrally depressed rounded tubers and rounded heart-shaped leavesgenus Glaux, Glaux - sea milkwortgenus Hottonia, Hottonia - aquatic herbsgenus Lysimachia, Lysimachia - loosestrife: a cosmopolitan genus found in damp or swampy terrain having usually yellow flowers; inclined to be invasive |
magnoliopsid genus