orbitomeatal line

or·bi·to·mea·tal plane

1. a line approximating the base of the cranium, passing from the infraorbital ridge to the midline of the occiput, intersecting the superior margin of the external auditory meatus; the cranium is in the anatomic position when the base line lies in the horizontal plane and right and left sides are level. 2. a standard craniometric reference plane passing through the right and left porion and the left orbitale; drawn on the profile radiograph or photograph from the superior margin of the acoustic meatus to the orbitale. Synonym(s): auriculoinfraorbital plane, eye-ear plane, Frankfort horizontal plane, Frankfort plane, infraorbitomeatal plane


(bās'līn) 1. A line approximating the base of the skull, passing from the infraorbital ridge to the midline of the occiput, intersecting the superior margin of the external auditory meatus; the skull is in the anatomic position when the baseline lies in the horizontal plane.
Synonym(s): orbitomeatal line.
2. Level of performance or aggregate findings before initiation of therapy.


(bās'līn) 1. A line approximating the base of the skull, passing from the infraorbital ridge to the midline of the occiput, intersecting the superior margin of the external auditory meatus. 2. Level of performance or aggregate findings before therapy.
Synonym(s): orbitomeatal line.