lateral supraclavicular nerve

lat·er·al su·pra·cla·vic·u·lar nerve

[TA] one of several branches of the C-3-C-4 portion of the cervical plexus that descend to the skin over the acromion and deltoid region. Synonym(s): nervus supraclavicularis lateralis [TA], posterior supraclavicular nerve

lat·er·al su·pra·cla·vic·u·lar nerve

(lat'ĕr-ăl sū'pră-klă-vik'yŭ-lăr nĕrv) [TA] One of several branches of C3-C4 portion of cervical plexus that descend to skin over the acromion and the deltoid region.
Synonym(s): nervus supraclavicularis lateralis, posterior supraclavicular nerve.