lateral sacral arteries

lat·er·al sa·cral ar·ter·ies

[TA] usually one of two arteries that arise from the internal iliac artery or its branches; they supply muscles and skin in the neighborhood and send branches into the sacral canal, supplying radicular and spinal arteries, and continuing on to the skin and subcutaneous tissues overlying the sacrum. Synonym(s): arteriae sacrales laterales [TA]

lat·er·al sa·cral ar·te·ries

(lat'ĕr-ăl sā'krăl ahr'tĕr-ēz) [TA] Usually one of two arteries that arise from the internal iliac artery or its branches; they supply muscles and skin in the neighborhood and send branches into the sacral canal, supply radicular and spinal arteries, and continue on to the skin and subcutaneous tissues overlying the sacrum.
Synonym(s): arteriae sacrales laterales.