Nikolai Rossiiskii

Rossiiskii, Nikolai Alekseevich


Born Mar. 9 (22), 1915, in the village of Trulisi, in what is now Volokolamsk Raion, Moscow Oblast; died Mar. 8, 1960, in Moscow. Initiator of socialist emulation in collective innovative labor and of the widespread application of methods for the organization of highly productive labor in sections, departments, and enterprises. Member of the CPSU from 1942.

From 1933 to 1952, Rossiiskii worked at the Kalibr plant in Moscow, where he rose from lathe operator to head of the micrometer department. By introducing an assembly-line technique, Rossiiskii doubled the productivity of the workers in his section, reduced the labor requirement by 50 percent, and lowered production costs by 40 percent. From 1952 to 1955 he was a student at the Higher Party School under the Central Committee of the CPSU, and from 1955 to 1960 director of a plant producing woodworking machinery in Moscow. A deputy to the third convocation of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Rossiiskii received the State Prize of the USSR in 1948.


Slovo masterov. [Rasskazy stakhanovtsev o svoei rabote,] 2nd ed. Moscow, 1949.
Kollektivnaia organizatsiia stakhanovskogo truda. Moscow, 1949.
“Spustia piat’ let.” In Trudovoi vklad: Moskovskie stakhanovtsy o sebe i tovarishchakh. Moscow, 1951.
Trud i mir. [Moscow] 1952.


Terskii, E. D., and M. M. Turin. Stakhanovskii uchastok znatnogo mastera N. Rossiiskogo. Moscow, 1948.
Moskvichi: N. Rossiiskii [i dr.]: Ocherki. [Moscow] 1950.
Veber, lu. N. Rossiiskii i ego tovarishchi. Moscow, 1951.