lateral plantar artery

lat·er·al plan·tar ar·ter·y

[TA] larger of the two terminal branches of the posterior tibial artery; distribution, forms the plantar arch and through it supplies the sole of the foot and plantar surfaces of the toes; anastomoses, medial plantar, dorsalis pedis. Synonym(s): arteria plantaris lateralis [TA]

lat·er·al plan·tar ar·te·ry

(lat'ĕr-ăl plan'tahr ahr'tĕr-ē) [TA] Larger of the two terminal branches of the posterior tibial artery; distribution, forms the plantar arch and through it supplies the sole of the foot and plantar surfaces of the toes; anastomoses, medial plantar, dorsalis pedis.
Synonym(s): arteria plantaris lateralis.

lateral plantar artery

One of the two terminal branches of the posterior tibial artery; it runs in an arc on the plantar side of the foot, first coursing laterally from the medial side of the calcaneus bone and then curving medially to form the plantar arterial arch. See also: artery