lateral funiculus


 [fu-nik´u-lus] (pl. funic´uli) (L.) cord: anatomical nomenclature for a cordlike structure or part, especially one of the large bundle of nerve tracts that make up the white matter of the spinal cord. adj. adj funic´ular.anterior funiculus ventral funiculus.dorsal funiculus the white substance of the spinal cord lying on either side between the posterior median sulcus and the dorsal root.lateral funiculus (funiculus latera´lis) the lateral mass of fibers on either side of the spinal cord, between the anterolateral and posterolateral sulci.posterior funiculus dorsal funiculus.funiculus sperma´ticus the spermatic cord.ventral funiculus the white substance of the spinal cord lying on either side between the ventral median fissure and the ventral roots of the spinal nerves.

lat·er·al fu·nic·u·lus

[TA] the lateral white column of the spinal cord between the lines of exit and entrance of the anterior and posterior nerve roots. Synonym(s): funiculus lateralis [TA], anterolateral column of spinal cord, lateral funiculus of spinal cord

lat·er·al fu·ni·cu·lus

(lat'ĕr-ăl fyū-nik'yū-lŭs) [TA] The lateral white column of the spinal cord between the lines of exit and entrance of the anterior and posterior nerve roots.