Acronym | Definition |
MFE➣Music for Everyone (various organizations) |
MFE➣Master of Financial Economics (degree; various universities) |
MFE➣McAfee, Inc (stock ticker symbol) |
MFE➣Ministry for the Environment (New Zealand) |
MFE➣Multifamily Executive (magazine) |
MFE➣Mail for Exchange (Nokia) |
MFE➣Movimento Federalista Europeo (Italian: European Federalist Movement) |
MFE➣Maison des Français de l'Étranger (French: Home of the French Abroad) |
MFE➣Manufacturing Engineering (various schools) |
MFE➣Media Format Error |
MFE➣Motion Flow Editor |
MFE➣Managing for Excellence |
MFE➣Measurement Front End |
MFE➣Ministry of Fuel and Energy (various nations) |
MFE➣Magnetic Fusion Energy |
MFE➣Masters in Financial Engineering |
MFE➣Multi-Factored Evaluation |
MFE➣Managing for Excellence (various organizations) |
MFE➣Mid-Frequency Executive (US NASA) |
MFE➣Magnetic Field Effect |
MFE➣multi-fuel engine |
MFE➣Marine Forces Europe (USMC) |
MFE➣Marsh Fork Elementary (school) |
MFE➣Minister for Education (Singapore) |
MFE➣Manpower Force Element |
MFE➣Magnetic Field Explorer |
MFE➣Mobile Fahndungseinheit (German: mobile tracing unit of the German federal police) |
MFE➣Meaningful Faculty Evaluation |
MFE➣McAllen/Mission, TX, USA (Airport Code) |
MFE➣Master Frequency Estimator |
MFE➣Monopulse Feature Extractor (RC-135) |
MFE➣Modulated Free Electron Orbital Method |
MFE➣Major Fleet Escort |
MFE➣Material Fielding Exception |
MFE➣Multiframe Error |
MFE➣Martin Family Enterprises, Inc. (New Hampshire) |
MFE➣Maneuver, Fires & Effects (US Army) |
MFE➣Marketing Function Employee |
MFE➣Multi-Port Fast Ethernet (Cisco) |
MFE➣Modeling Financial Economics (actuarial examination) |
MFE➣Major Factual Error (news editing) |