Nonferrous Metals, Institute of
Nonferrous Metals, Institute of
(full name State Scientific Research Institute of Nonferrous Metals; Gintsvetmet), a research institute under the administration of the Ministry of Nonferrous Metallurgy of the USSR. Founded in Moscow in 1930, it specializes in the study of the concentration and metallurgy of nonferrous heavy metals. Affiliated with the institute are a special design bureau and the Riazan’ Testing and Experimental Plant. The institute, which publishes Nauchnye Trudy Gintsvetmeta (Transactions of the State Scientific Research Institute of Nonferrous Metals), is authorized to accept for defense candidate’s dissertations.
In the 1930’s a number of new institutions were founded on the basis of various departments of the Institute of Nonferrous Metals. They include the All-Union Scientific Research and Design Institute of the Aluminum, Magnesium, and Electrode Industry, the State Scientific Research Institute of the Rare-Metals Industry, and the Ural Scientific Research and Design Institute of the Copper Industry.