lateral basal (bronchopulmonary) segment S IX

lat·er·al ba·sal (bronchopulmonary) seg·'ment [S IX]

of four bronchopulmonary segments of the inferior lobes of the right or left lung that contact the diaphragm, the one lying farthest to the right in the right lung, and farthest to the left in the left lung, supplied by the lateral basal segmental bronchi [B IX] and lateral basal segmental (pulmonary) artery. Synonym(s): segmentum (bronchopulmonale) basale laterale [S IX] [TA]

lat·er·al ba·sal (bron·cho·pul·mo·nar·y) seg·ment [S IX]

(lat'ĕr-ăl bā'săl brong'kō-pul'mŏ-nar-ē seg'mĕnt) Of the four bronchopulmonary segments of the inferior lobes of the right or left lung that contact the diaphragm, the one lying farthest to the right in the right lung, and farthest to the left in the left lung, supplied by the lateral basal segmental bronchi and lateral basal segmental (pulmonary) artery.