释义 |
lateral aperture of the fourth ventricle Key, Ernst A.H., Swedish anatomist and physician, 1832-1901. foramen of Key-Retzius - one of the two lateral openings of the fourth ventricle into the subarachnoid space at the cerebellopontine angle. Synonym(s): lateral aperture of the fourth ventricleKey-Retzius corpuscles - tactile corpuscles, resembling pacinian corpuscles, found in the beak of certain aquatic birds.sheath of Key and Retzius - the delicate connective tissue enveloping individual nerve fibers within a peripheral nerve. Synonym(s): endoneurium
Luschka, Hubert, German anatomist, 1820-1875. foramen of Luschka - one of the two lateral openings of the fourth ventricle into the subarachnoid space at the cerebellopontine angle. Synonym(s): lateral aperture of the fourth ventricleLuschka bursa - a cystic notochordal remnant found inconstantly in the posterior wall of the nasopharynx at the lower end of the pharyngeal tonsil. Synonym(s): pharyngeal bursaLuschka cartilage - a small cartilaginous nodule sometimes found in the anterior portion of the vocal cord.Luschka cryptLuschka cystic glands - small mucous tubuloalveolar glands in the mucosa of the larger bile ducts, especially in the neck of the gallbladder. Synonym(s): glands of biliary mucosaLuschka ducts - glandlike tubular structures in the wall of the gallbladder, especially in the part covered with peritoneum.Luschka ganglionLuschka gland - Synonym(s): Luschka tonsilLuschka joints - small synovial joints between adjacent lateral lips of the bodies of the lower cervical vertebrae. Synonym(s): uncovertebral jointsLuschka ligaments - fibrous bands that pass from the pericardium to the sternum. Synonym(s): sternopericardial ligamentLuschka musclesLuschka nerveLuschka sinus - venous sinus in the petrosquamous suture.Luschka tonsil - a collection of more or less closely aggregated lymphoid nodules on the posterior wall and roof of the nasopharynx. Synonym(s): Luschka gland; pharyngeal tonsil
Retzius, Magnus G., Swedish anatomist and anthropologist, 1842-1919. calcification lines of Retzius - incremental lines of rhythmic deposition of successive layers of enamel matrix during development. Synonym(s): lines of Retziusforamen of Key-Retzius - see under Key, Ernst AHKey-Retzius corpuscles - see under Key, Ernst AHlines of Retzius - Synonym(s): calcification lines of RetziusRetzius foramen - Synonym(s): lateral aperture of the fourth ventricleRetzius striae - dark concentric lines crossing the enamel prisms of the teeth, seen in axial cross sections of the enamel. Synonym(s): brown striae; striae parallelaesheath of Key and Retzius - see under Key, Ernst AH |