Acronym | Definition |
NVP➣Name-Value Pair |
NVP➣New Venture Partners (various locations) |
NVP➣Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy |
NVP➣Network Voice Protocol |
NVP➣National Volunteer Program (various organizations) |
NVP➣Name Value Pair |
NVP➣National Vice President |
NVP➣Non-Violence Project (various locations) |
NVP➣Nominal Velocity of Propagation |
NVP➣New Venture Performance (various organizations) |
NVP➣N-Version Programming (multiple functionally equivalent program versions) |
NVP➣N-Vinyl Pyrrolidone (synthetic liquid) |
NVP➣National Variety Performance (agricultural testing conference) |
NVP➣Nuance Voice Platform (software) |
NVP➣New Ventures Program (various organizations) |
NVP➣New Voters Project (non-partisan student group) |
NVP➣Nevada Power Company |
NVP➣Non-Violent Peace |
NVP➣North Valley Playhouse (Phoenix, AZ) |
NVP➣Nationwide Volume Program (Sprint PCS) |
NVP➣Network Video Products (Abbotsford, Victoria, Australia) |
NVP➣New Vision Productions (various locations) |
NVP➣Nick Video Pick |
NVP➣Neurological Visual Profiling |
NVP➣Near-Vertical Propagation |
NVP➣Network Video Processor |
NVP➣Net Value Percentage |
NVP➣Not Very Pretty |
NVP➣Network Verification Point |
NVP➣Nominal Venous Pressure |
NVP➣Ninja vs Penguin (blog) |
NVP➣Nominal Vapor Pressure |
NVP➣No Volt Protection |
NVP➣Ninja versus Pirate |