late dumping syndrome

late dumping syndrome

syndrome in patients who have had ablation of the pyloric sphincter mechanism; associated with flushing, sweating, dizziness, weakness, and vasomotor collapse 2-3 hours after a meal. Symptoms are caused by hypoglycemia resulting from the rapid absorption of a large carbohydrate load, which then stimulates excessive insulin release.
See also: dumping syndrome.

late dumping syndrome

see Dumping syndrome.

late dump·ing syn·drome

(lāt dŭmp'ing sin'drōm) Disorder seen in patients who have had ablation of the pyloric sphincter mechanism; associated with flushing, sweating, dizziness, weakness, and vasomotor collapse 2-3 hours after a meal; caused by hypoglycemia resulting from the rapid absorption of a large carbohydrate load, which then stimulates insulin release.
See also: dumping syndrome