mezza voce

mez·za vo·ce

M0263400 (mĕt′sə vō′chā, mĕd′zə, mĕz′ə)adv. & adj. Music With moderate volume or in a subdued tone. Used chiefly as a direction.
[Italian : mezza, half + voce, voice.]

mezza voce

(ˈmɛtsə ˈvəʊtʃɪ; Italian ˈmɛddza ˈvotʃe) adv (Music, other) music (in singing) softly; quietly[Italian, literally: half voice]

mez•za vo•ce

(ˈmɛt sə ˈvoʊ tʃeɪ, ˈmɛd zə, ˈmɛz ə)
adv., adj. with half the power of the voice (used as a musical direction). Abbr.: m.v. [1765–75; < Italian]