Nikolai Nikolaevich Andreev

Andreev, Nikolai Nikolaevich


Born July 16 (28), 1880, in the village of Kurman, Poltava Province. Soviet physicist, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1933), academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR(1953), founder of the Soviet school of acoustics.

Andreev graduated from the University of Basel in 1909. Beginning in 1912 he taught and carried on scientific work at Moscow University. After 1917 he worked at a number of Soviet institutions of higher learning and scientific research institutes (beginning in 1940, at the Institute of Physics; beginning in 1954, at the Acoustical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR). His works deal with physical and industrial acoustics, the theory of oscillations, the propagation of sound waves (Andreev first presented the theory of sound propagation in moving media), the study of airplane noise, architectural acoustics, and acoustical waves of finite amplitude. He also did significant research on piezoelectricity, telephone theory, and the physical foundations of the acoustics of musical instruments. From 1941 to 1945 work was done under his direction which established the foundations of Soviet hydroacoustics. He is the author of many popular science articles and books. He has been awarded three Orders of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.


“Ravnovesie i kolebaniia p’ezoelektricheskogo kristalla (Obzor).” Zhurnalprikladnoifiziki, 1928, vol. 5, issues 3–4.
Akustika dvizhushcheisia sredy. Leningrad-Moscow, 1934. (With I. G. Rusakov.)


“N. N. Andreev (k 85-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia).” Akusticheskii zhurnal, 1965, vol. 11, issue 3.
N. N. Andreev (Materialy k biobibliografii uchenykh SSSR: Ser. fizicheskaia). Moscow, 1963, issue 14.