Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov

Amosov, Nikolai Mikhailovich


Born Dec. 6 (19), 1913. Soviet surgeon. Corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (1961); Honored Scientist of the Ukrainian SSR.

Amosov graduated from the Arkhangel’sk Medical Institute in 1939. Since 1952 he has been director of the thoracic surgery clinic at the F. G. Ianovskii Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute for Tuberculosis and Thoracic Surgery. In 1954 he set up and became chairman of the thoracic surgery subdepartment at the Kiev Institute for the Advanced Training of Physicians. Amosov’s work has been on the surgical treatment of lung, heart, and blood vessel diseases and on medical cybernetics. He was a deputy to the sixth through seventh convocations of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. He won the Lenin Prize in 1961 and has been awarded the Order of Lenin, three other orders, and various medals.

Amosov wrote several works of fiction—for instance, the novella Thoughts and the Heart (1965). The film The Degree of Risk, produced in 1969, was based on this novella.


Ocherki torakal’noi khirurgii. Kiev, 1958.
Operatsii na serdtse s iskusstvennym krovoobrashcheniem. Kiev, 1962.