释义 |
DictionarySeeradiographmaxillary sinus radiograph
max·il·lar·y si·nus ra·di·o·grapha radiographic frontal view of the maxillary sinuses, orbits, nasal structures and zygomas; permits direct comparison of the sides. Synonym(s): Waters view radiographmaxillary sinus radiographA frontal radiograph of the maxillary sinuses and the zygomas that allows direct comparison of both sides. Synonym: Water's projectionSee also: radiographWaters, Charles Alexander, U.S. radiologist, 1888-1961. Waters view radiograph - Synonym(s): maxillary sinus radiographmax·il·lar·y si·nus ra·di·o·graph (maksi-lar-ē sīnŭs rādē-ō-graf) Radiographic frontal view of maxillary sinuses, orbits, nasal structures and zygomas. |