Max Friedländer
Friedländer, Max
Born June 5, 1867, in Berlin; died Oct. 11, 1958, in Amsterdam. German art historian.
Friedländer and B. Berenson were the leading representatives of connoisseurship. A student of W. Bode’s, Friedländer became the first director of the Picture Gallery of the Kaiser Friedrich Museum in Berlin in 1924 and remained director until 1933; the museum’s collections are now located primarily in the Picture Gallery of the West Berlin Art Museums. In 1938 he moved to Amsterdam. Friedländer’s principal works are devoted to German and Dutch art of the 15th and 16th centuries.
Der Kunstkenner. Berlin, 1919. In Russian translation: Znatok iskusstva, Moscow, 1923.Die altniederländische Malerei, vols. 1–14. Berlin, 1924–37.
Von Kunst und Kennerschaft. Oxford-Zürich, 1946.