

单词 nrc



abbr.1. National Research Council2. Nuclear Regulatory Commission


(in Canada) abbreviation forNational Research Council


Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Noun1.NRC - an independent federal agency created in 1974 to license and regulate nuclear power plantsNuclear Regulatory Commissionindependent agency - an agency of the United States government that is created by an act of Congress and is independent of the executive departments


noise reduction coefficient, NRC

The average of the sound absorption coefficients of an acoustical material at frequencies of 250, 500, 1,000, and 2,000 Hz, expressed to the nearest integral multiple of 0.05.



Abbreviation for:
National Research Council (see there)
net replacement cost Healthcare financing
not recommended for children
not routine care
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (see there)
nutrition-related complications
LegalSeeNuclear Regulatory Commission


NRCNuclear Regulatory Commission (US government)
NRCNational Research Council Canada
NRCNational Research Council (various countries)
NRCNational Resource Center
NRCNorwegian Refugee Council (Oslo, Norway)
NRCNorwegian Refugee Council
NRCNursing Reference Center (resource)
NRCNational Recycling Coalition
NRCNoise Reduction Coefficient
NRCNokia Research Center
NRCNutrition Research Center
NRCNational Response Center
NRCNational Research Center
NRCNumerical Recipes in C (programming library)
NRCNature Reviews Cancer (American Association for Cancer Research)
NRCNuclear Research Center
NRCNational Red Cross
NRCNational Racing Calendar (USA Cycling)
NRCNorthern Regional College (UK)
NRCNo Re-Run Character
NRCNetwork Reliability Center
NRCNeighborhood Reinvestment Corporation
NRCNational Rehabilitation Center (various locations)
NRCNatural Resource Conservation
NRCNational Research Corporation
NRCNational Research Centre (various countries)
NRCNestle Research Centre (various locations)
NRCNonprofit Resource Center (various locations)
NRCNATO-Russia Council
NRCNational Republican Convention (Nigerian political party)
NRCNon-Recurring Charge (Sprint)
NRCNational Reading Campaign
NRCNoise Rating Curve
NRCNational Regulatory Commission
NRCNieuwe Rotterdamse Courant (now called NRC Handelsblad)
NRCNet Replacement Cost
NRCNatural Resource Community
NRCNational Reference Centre
NRCNegotiated Rulemaking Committee
NRCNational Resource Center on Homelessness and Mental Illness (Delmar, New York)
NRCNon-Recurring Cost
NRCNicaraguan Red Cross (est. 1934)
NRCNon-Unit-Related Cargo (US DoD)
NRCNetwork Reliability Council (FCC)
NRCNichols Research Corporation
NRCNational Replacement Character (character sets)
NRCNational Revenue Center
NRCNurses for the Rights of the Child
NRCNational Recycling Congress
NRCNatural Resources College
NRCNMDA (N-Methyl-D-Aspartate) Receptor Complex (amino acids)
NRCNobody Really Cares
NRCNational Rainbow Coalition (Kenya)
NRCNorton Radstock College (UK)
NRCNational Reformation Council (Sierra Leone military group)
NRCNational Research Center for Women & Families (Washington, DC, USA)
NRCNational Racing Compact
NRCNatural Resources Camp (various locations)
NRCNuclear Research Corporation
NRCNew Rheocasting (metals technology)
NRCNational Recycling Council
NRCNavy Reserve Center
NRCNormal Retinal Correspondence
NRCNonrecurring Cost
NRCNational Reconditioning Center
NRCNational Repair Center
NRCNetwork Research Corporation
NRCNewton Resource Center (Boston College)
NRCNoise Reduction Circuit
NRCNational Referral Centre
NRCNeilson Research Corporation (Medford OR)
NRCNational Ramah Commission
NRCNonreusable Container
NRCNew Reflections Counseling, Inc. (Lebanon, Ohio)
NRCNon Routine Card (aviation maintenance)
NRCNational Register of Chemicals
NRCNumber of Root Classes
NRCNonrinsing Conditioner
NRCNarcotics Recovery Center
NRCNational Redemption Council of Ghana
NRCNonrecurring Recoupment Charge
NRCNon Resetting Counter
NRCNearly Robust Code
NRCNon-Reconfigurable Cell
NRCNice Red Canasta (gaming)
NRCNon-Resident Client
NRCNon-Repayable Credits


  • noun

Synonyms for NRC

noun an independent federal agency created in 1974 to license and regulate nuclear power plants


  • Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Related Words

  • independent agency




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更新时间:2025/3/28 3:59:00