Acronym | Definition |
LASO➣Los Alamos Site Office (Department of Energy) |
LASO➣Latin-American Student Organization (SUNY at Stony Brook) |
LASO➣Legendary, All Skulls On (gaming; Halo) |
LASO➣Los Angeles Sheriff's Office |
LASO➣Latin American Students Organization (Carroll College, Waukesha, Wisconsin USA) |
LASO➣Latin American Solidarity Organization |
LASO➣Local Agency Security Officer (law enforcement) |
LASO➣Lernen Anwenden - Systematisch Ordnen (German, standardized test suite for learning behavior) |
LASO➣Louisiana Association of Symphony Orchestras |
LASO➣Lifetime Aquatic Swim Organization (Marion, VA) |
LASO➣Latin American Studies Consortium in Obesity (Madison WI) |
LASO➣Latin American Seminarian Organization (Quigley High School) |
LASO➣Landing Attack and Subsequent Operations (USMC amphibious operations) |