释义 |
osteospongioma os·te·o·spon·gi·o·ma (os'tē-ō-spŏn'jē-ō'mă), General nonspecific term for a neoplasm in bone that results in thinning and fragmentation (thus, in softening) of the cortex. [osteo- + G. spongos, sponge, + -oma, tumor] osteospongioma A nonspecific term for a bone tumour characterised by thinning and/or rupture of the bone cortex. Osteospongioma is not a recognised histopathological entity and is not used in the working medical parlance.osteospongioma (os?te-o-spon?je-o'ma) [? + spongos, sponge, + oma, tumor] A spongy tumor in bone. Synonym: osteoma spongiosum |