释义 |
osteopoikilosis[¦äs·tē·ō‚pȯi·kə′lō·səs] (medicine) A bone affection of unknown cause and no symptoms, characterized by ellipsoidal, dense foci in all bones. osteopoikilosis
osteopoikilosis [os″te-o-poi″kĭ-lo´sis] a mottled condition of bones, apparent radiographically, due to the presence of multiple sclerotic foci and scattered stippling. adj., adj osteopoikilot´ic.os·te·o·poi·ki·lo·sis (os'tē-ō-poy'ki-lō'sis), [MIM*166700] Mottled or spotted bones caused by widespread small foci of compact bone in the substantia spongiosa; autosomal dominant inheritance. See also: osteopathia striata, dermatofibrosis lenticularis disseminata. Synonym(s): osteopathia condensans [osteo- + G. poikilos, dappled, + -osis, condition] osteopoikilosis An AD condition characterized by multiple small foci of osteosclerosis in the spongiosa of the pelvis, metaphysis of long bones, tarsal and carpal bones, often associated with subcutaneous bony nodulesos·te·o·poi·ki·lo·sis (os'tē-ō-poy-ki-lō'sis) Mottled or spotted bones caused by widespread foci of compact bone in the substantia spongiosa. [osteo- + G. poikilos, dappled, + -osis, condition]Buschke, Abraham, Polish-born German dermatologist, 1868-1943. Buschke disease - obsolete eponym for cryptococcosis. Synonym(s): scleredema adultorumBuschke-Löwenstein tumor - a large type of condyloma acuminatum found in the genitals. Synonym(s): giant condylomaBuschke-Ollendorf syndrome - Synonym(s): osteopoikilosisBusse-Buschke disease - see under Busse |