Liusik Artemevna Lisinova
Lisinova, Liusik Artem’evna
(real surname, Lisinian). Born May 22, 1897, in Tbilisi; died Nov. 1 (14), 1917, in Moscow. Organizer of unions of working-class youth; active participant in the October Revolution of 1917 in Moscow. Member of the Communist Party from 1916.
The daughter of a merchant, Lisinova was a pupil of E. D. Stasova during her school years. Between 1915 and 1917 she was a student at the Moscow Commercial Institute and a party propagandist at the plants of the Mikhel’son, Brokar, and Dani-lov Manufacturing Company. After the February Revolution of 1917, she was secretary of the Zamoskvorech’e soviet. In June, she took part in the organization of the Union of Working-class Youth “Third International.” During the October battles in Moscow, she was an intelligence agent for the Military Revolutionary Committee. Lisinova perished in battle with the Junkers on Ostozhenka (present-day Metrostroevskaia) Street. She was buried in Red Square by the Kremlin Wall.