Nikolai Ivanovich Veselovskii
Veselovskii, Nikolai Ivanovich
Born November 1848, in Moscow; died Mar. 30, 1918, in Petrograd. Russian archaeologist and orientalist. Professor at the University of St. Petersburg from 1890.
Veselovskii studied the history and archaeology of Middle Asia. He conducted excavations of the ancient cities of Middle Asia, including the ruins at the site of the ancient city of Afrasiab. Veselovskii excavated hundreds of burial mounds in southern and southeastern Russia (including the extremely rich mounds at Solokha and Maikop). He also worked in the field of Russian historiography.
“Kurgany Kubanskoi oblasti v period rimskogo vladychestva na Severnom Kavkaze.” In Trudy XII Arkheologicheskogo s” ezda v Khar’kove [vol. 1]. Moscow, 1905.Mecheti Samarkanda, issue 1. St. Petersburg, 1905.
Pamiatniki diplomaticheskikh i torgovykh snoshenii Moskovskoi Rusi s Persiei, vols. 1-3. St. Petersburg, 1890-98.