mutation rate

mu·ta·tion rate

the probability (or proportion) of progeny genes with a particular component of the genome not present in either biologic parent; usually expressed as the number of mutants per generation occurring at one gene or locus.

mutation rate

(1) The rate of a new mutation in a particular gene, either per gamete or per generation.
(2) The number of mutations per cell division, determined by Luria-Dulbruck fluctuation analysis.

mu·ta·tion rate

(myū-tā'shŭn rāt) The probability (or proportion) of progeny genes with a particular component of the genome not present in either biologic parent; usually expressed as the number of mutants per generation occurring at one gene or locus.

mutation rate

The number of instances of a particular gene mutation occurring in a population in one generation.

mutation rate

the number of mutations per gene in a fixed time. In sexual organisms this is often measured as the number of mutations per gamete. Rates vary considerably between genes and between organisms, but a typical rate is 1 mutation per locus per 100 000 gametes. In bacteria it can be measured as the average number of mutations per cell per division.