Maumee Bay State Park
Maumee Bay State Park
Location:14 miles from Toledo in north central Ohio.
Facilities:252 campsites with electricity, 3 camper cabins, rent-a-yurt, showers, flush toilets, 120-room lodge, cottages, picnic areas, restaurant, hiking trails (10 miles), bike trails, boardwalk (é), swimming beach, food concession, swimming pool, docks, boat rentals, nature center, 18-hole golf course, playground, observation tower, observation blind, nature center, nature programs.
Activities:Camping, boating (electric motors only), fishing, hiking, hunting, golf, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, ice fishing, sledding.
Special Features:Park provides visitors the rare opportunity to experience a largely unchanged coastal environment, including scenic meadows, wet woods, and marshes. Summer bird watchers may catch a glimpse of such unusual species as dickcissels, bobolinks, and western meadowlarks as well as bitterns and rails. Winter bird watchers may sight short-eared owls and marsh hawks.
Address:1400 State Park Rd
Oregon, OH 43618
Size: 1,336 acres.
See other parks in Ohio.