Little Moreau Recreation Area

Little Moreau Recreation Area

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / South Dakota
Location:6 miles south of Timber Lake off SD 20.
Facilities:5 campsites, picnic areas, picnic shelter, boat ramp, swimming beach, playfields.
Activities:Camping, boating, canoeing, swimming.
Special Features:The sheltered watersheds of the Moreau and Little Moreau Rivers (originally Big Owl and Little Owl) provided traditional winter campgrounds for the Cheyenne and later for the Minneconjou and Two Kettle bands of Teton Sioux. During the late 1870s through 1890s, cattle barons from southern states grazed thousands of cattle on the rich grassland here.
Address:c/o Shadehill Recreation Area
19150 Summerville Box 63
Shadehill, SD 57653

Size: 160 acres.

See other parks in South Dakota.