

单词 asta



the thin man’s dog. [Am. Lit.: The Thin Man]See: Dogs


ASTAAmerican Society of Travel Agents (Alexandria, VA)
ASTAAmerican String Teachers Association
ASTAAmerican Seed Trade Association
ASTAAmerican Sail Training Association
ASTAAllgemeiner Studentenausschuß (Common Students Committee)
ASTAAustralian Science Teachers Association
ASTAAdvanced Software Technology and Algorithm
ASTAAmerican Spice Trade Association
ASTAAssociation of Secondary Ticket Agents (UK)
ASTAArkansas Science and Technology Authority
ASTAAnti-Spam Technical Alliance
ASTAAssociation for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (Oregon)
ASTAarctic silver thermal adhesive
ASTAApplied Science and Technology Abstracts
ASTAAerospace Technologies of Australia
ASTAAdvanced Software Technology and Algorithms
ASTAAfrican Seed Trade Association
ASTAArkansas Science Teachers Association
ASTAAlabama Science Teachers Association
ASTAArizona Science Teachers Association
ASTAArkansas State Teachers Association
ASTAAirport Surface Traffic Automation
ASTAAssociation of Short Circuit Testing Authorities
ASTAAustralasian Sleep Technologists Association
ASTAArab Scientists and Technologists Abroad (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
ASTAA Smart Thin Architecture (ASTA Technology Group)
ASTAAlaska Science Teachers Association
ASTAAccelerating Software Technology Adoption (SEI initiative)
ASTAAdvanced Software Technology and Applications
ASTAAllgemeine Statistische Archiv
ASTAAdvanced Spatial Technologies for Agriculture
ASTAAdvertisers Syndicated Television Association
ASTAAmerican Scouting Traders Association
ASTAAMANDA Supernova Trigger Algorithm
ASTAAviation System Test Activity
ASTAAustralasian Sports Technology Alliance
ASTAAmerican Society of Trauma Anesthesiologists
ASTAAquatic Systems and Technology Applications (USGS)
ASTAAlternative Strategies for Tax Administration
ASTAAustralian Studies Teachers Association
ASTAAnxiety State Traits Assessment
ASTAAdvanced Strategic Transport Aircraft
ASTAAuckland Science Teachers Association
ASTAAviation and Space Technology Academy (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University)
ASTAAmerical Sail Training Association
ASTAAmateur Sand Trap Association
ASTAAmerican Science Teachers Association
ASTAAdvanced Speech Technologies Allocations
ASTAAvancerad Service- och Telefoniapplikation
ASTAAmerican Seed Trial Association
ASTAAerial Surveillance & Target Acquisition
ASTAAssociation Sportive du Troisieme Age (French sports association)
ASTAAircrew Synthetic Training Aid(s)
ASTAAverage Ship Turn Around
ASTAAnaheim Secondary Teachers Association (California)
ASTAAmerican Surgical Trade Association
ASTAAssociation Santé au Travail de l'Ariège (French occupational health association)
ASTAAmerican Shroud of Turin Association




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