Mustard operation

Mus·tard op·er·a·tion

(mus'terd), correction, at the atrial level, of hemodynamic abnormality caused by transposition of the great arteries by an intraatrial baffle to direct pulmonary venous blood through the tricuspid orifice into the right ventricle and the systemic venous blood through the mitral valve into the left ventricle. Synonym(s): Mustard procedure

Mustard operation

n. Correction of abnormal blood circulation due to the transposition of the great arteries through creation of an intra-arterial baffle that partitions the atrium.

Mus·tard op·er·a·tion

(mŭs'tărd op-ĕr-ā'shŭn) Correction, at the atrial level, of hemodynamic abnormality due to transposition of the great arteries by an intraatrial baffle to direct pulmonary venous blood through the tricuspid orifice into the right ventricle and the systemic venous blood through the mitral valve into the left ventricle, allowing more oxygenated blood to be circulated systematically.


William T., Canadian thoracic surgeon, 1914-1987. Mustard operation - correction at the atrial level of hemodynamic abnormality due to transposition of the great arteries. Synonym(s): Mustard procedureMustard procedure - Synonym(s): Mustard operation