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ob·sti·na·cy O0015800 (ŏb′stə-nə-sē)n. pl. ob·sti·na·cies 1. The state or quality of being stubborn or refractory.2. The act or an instance of being stubborn or refractory.obstinacy (ˈɒbstɪnəsɪ) or obstinatenessn, pl -cies1. the state or quality of being obstinate2. an obstinate act, attitude, etc. Also (rare): pervicacity or pervicacy ob•sti•na•cy (ˈɒb stə nə si) n., pl. -cies. 1. the quality or state of being obstinate; stubbornness. 2. an instance of being obstinate; an obstinate act, viewpoint, etc. [1350–1400] Obstinacy of buffaloes: a herd—Hare, 1939.Obstinacy deaf as an adder Obstinate refusal to listen; stubborn unwillingness to pay attention. The origin of this phrase lies in ancient Oriental folklore. An adder was thought to protect itself against the music of a snake charmer by blocking one ear with its tail while pressing the other ear to the ground. This belief was mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible: They are like the deaf adder that stoppeth her ear Which will not hearken to the voice of charmers, charming never so wisely. (Psalms 58:4-5) ThesaurusNoun | 1. | obstinacy - the trait of being difficult to handle or overcomemulishness, obstinance, stubbornnessintractability, intractableness - the trait of being hard to influence or control | | 2. | obstinacy - resolute adherence to your own ideas or desiresbullheadedness, pigheadedness, self-will, stubbornness, obstinancefirmness of purpose, resoluteness, resolve, firmness, resolution - the trait of being resolute; "his resoluteness carried him through the battle"; "it was his unshakeable resolution to finish the work"impenitence, impenitency - the trait of refusing to repentintransigence, intransigency - the trait of being intransigent; stubbornly refusing to compromise |
obstinacynoun stubbornness, persistence, tenacity, perseverance, resolution, intransigence, firmness, single-mindedness, inflexibility, obduracy, doggedness, relentlessness, wilfulness, resoluteness, pig-headedness, pertinacity, tenaciousness, mulishness the obstinacy typical of his thoroughly awkward nature flexibility, compliance, meekness, submissiveness, docility, cooperativeness, tractabilityQuotations "Obstinacy in a bad cause, is but constancy in a good" [Thomas Browne Religio Medici]obstinacynoun1. The quality or state of being stubbornly unyielding:bullheadedness, doggedness, hardheadedness, mulishness, obstinateness, pertinaciousness, pertinacity, perverseness, perversity, pigheadedness, tenaciousness, tenacity, willfulness.2. The quality or condition of being unruly:disorderliness, fractiousness, indocility, intractability, intractableness, obstinateness, obstreperousness, recalcitrance, recalcitrancy, refractoriness, uncontrollability, uncontrollableness, ungovernableness, unmanageability, unruliness, untowardness, wildness.Translationsobstinate (ˈobstinət) adjective refusing to yield, obey etc. She won't change her mind – she's very obstinate. 固執的,倔強的 固执的,倔强的 ˈobstinacy (-nəsi) noun 固執 固执ˈobstinately adverb 固執地 固执地Obstinacy
ObstinacyObtuseness (See DIMWITTEDNESS.)Oddness (See ECCENTRICITY.)Oldness (See AGE, OLD.)Balmawhapplebullheaded, blundering Scotch laird. [Br. Lit.: Waverley]Deans, Daviestern and righteous Presbyterian. [Br. Lit.: The Heart of Midlothian]Gradgrind, Thomasrigid “man of realities.” [Br. Lit.: Hard Times]Grant, Ulysses S.(1822–1885) 18th U.S. president; nicknamed “Unconditional Surrender.” [Am. Hist.: Kane, 523]Jorkinsintractable, unyielding lawyer. [Br. Lit.: David Copperfield]Mistress Maryknown for being “quite contrary.” [Nurs. Rhyme: Baring-Gould, 31]mulesymbol of obstinacy: “stubborn as a mule.” [Folklore: Jobes, 462]Pharaohrefuses to heed Moses’s mandate from God. [O.T.: Exodus 7:13, 22–23, 8:32, 9:7, 12]MedicalSeeobstinateobstinacy
Synonyms for obstinacynoun stubbornnessSynonyms- stubbornness
- persistence
- tenacity
- perseverance
- resolution
- intransigence
- firmness
- single-mindedness
- inflexibility
- obduracy
- doggedness
- relentlessness
- wilfulness
- resoluteness
- pig-headedness
- pertinacity
- tenaciousness
- mulishness
Antonyms- flexibility
- compliance
- meekness
- submissiveness
- docility
- cooperativeness
- tractability
Synonyms for obstinacynoun the quality or state of being stubbornly unyieldingSynonyms- bullheadedness
- doggedness
- hardheadedness
- mulishness
- obstinateness
- pertinaciousness
- pertinacity
- perverseness
- perversity
- pigheadedness
- tenaciousness
- tenacity
- willfulness
noun the quality or condition of being unrulySynonyms- disorderliness
- fractiousness
- indocility
- intractability
- intractableness
- obstinateness
- obstreperousness
- recalcitrance
- recalcitrancy
- refractoriness
- uncontrollability
- uncontrollableness
- ungovernableness
- unmanageability
- unruliness
- untowardness
- wildness
Synonyms for obstinacynoun the trait of being difficult to handle or overcomeSynonyms- mulishness
- obstinance
- stubbornness
Related Words- intractability
- intractableness
noun resolute adherence to your own ideas or desiresSynonyms- bullheadedness
- pigheadedness
- self-will
- stubbornness
- obstinance
Related Words- firmness of purpose
- resoluteness
- resolve
- firmness
- resolution
- impenitence
- impenitency
- intransigence
- intransigency