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MAE Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.MAEabbr.1. Master of Aeronautical Engineering2. also MAEd Master of Arts in EducationMAE Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.MAE(1) (Metropolitan Area Exchange) Originally known as Metropolitan Area Ethernets, MAEs are junction points on the Internet where data are exchanged between carriers. See IXP and NAP.
(2) (Macintosh Application Environment) Earlier software from Apple that allowed Macintosh programs to run on Unix workstations under the X Window system. MAE supported AppleTalk and MacTCP, allowing Unix users to share printers, files and email with other Mac users on the network.MAE Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.MAE Abbreviation for myoclonic astatic epilepsy. examination (eg-zam?i-na'shon) [L. examinatio, equipoise, balance, examination] Inspection of the body to determine the presence or absence of disease. Examination has been proposed as an international replacement for test, testing, and analysis although each of these words is more common in professional literature. examination under anesthesia Abbreviation: EUA Any operative or invasive procedure done while the patient is sedated, in order to improve patient tolerance, alleviate pain or anxiety, or improve the quality of the exam. bimanual examination See: pelvic examinationdental examinationThe visual, digital, and radiographic inspection of the teeth and surrounding structures, including the head and neck. The depth of the gingival sulcus is also probed and measured around each tooth to assess the state of health of the periodontium. The examination is completed with a mirror, explorer, periodontal probe, and dental radiographs. digital rectal examination Abbreviation: DRE Palpation of the anus, rectum, and prostate gland with a gloved finger, used in the diagnosis of intestinal bleeding, anorectal pain, and both benign and malignant diseases of the prostate. Patient careThe patient should be positioned for comfort, e.g., in Sims position (lying on the left side with knees and hips comfortably flexed). A chaperone and/or a drape should be provided for patient safety, comfort, and dignity. After an explanation of the procedure to the patient, several mL of surgical lubricant are placed on the examiner's glove, usually on the index finger. The examiner visually inspects the anus and perineum, then places the gloved finger on the anal opening while asking the patient to bear down gently. After the finger enters the anus, it is used to sweep circumferentially around the interior of the distal intestine. It is then directed anteriorly (when examining a male patient) to evaluate the consistency, size, and nodularity of the prostate gland. Samples of stool obtained during the exam may be sent to the lab to test them for the presence of occult blood. double-contrast examinationA radiographic examination in which a radiopaque and a radiolucent contrast medium are used simultaneously to visualize internal anatomy.endoscopic examinationDirect visualization of an internal organ with a fiber-optic tube, often accompanied by biopsy of suspicious lesions. Folstein Mini Mental Status Examination See: Folstein Mini Mental Status Examlaboratory examinationExamination by urinalysis, blood tests, microbiological cultures, and other tests of body fluids.Mini-Mental State Examination Abbreviation: MMSE A common test to quantify a person's cognitive ability. It assesses orientation, registration, attention, calculation, and language. Scoring is from 0 to 30, with 30 indicating intact cognition. multilingual aphasia examination Abbreviation: MAE A battery of tests to measure language abilities in patients with speech disturbances. It consists of 11 components, including the abilities to repeat a sentence, spell, read, understand spoken directions, identify objects depicted in drawings, and articulate clearly. PELVIC EXAM WITH PAP SMEAR PELVIC EXAM WITH PAP SMEAR PELVIC EXAM WITH PAP SMEAR PELVIC EXAM WITH PAP SMEARpelvic examinationPhysical examination of the vagina and adjacent organs. A speculum is used first to visualize anatomical structures. During speculum examination, cultures and Pap test specimens may be obtained. After the speculum is removed, the pelvic organs and rectum are examined manually by the examiner. See: illustrationperiodic health examinationA health screening examination performed on a scheduled or routine basis. The appropriate features of this examination depend on the patient's age, gender, and sometimes health history, family history, or employment status. Adult women should have periodic examinations that include Pap smears and mammography; professional pilots and truckers are screened periodically for visual impairment and hypertension. All adults over age 45 should be screened for diabetes mellitus. Patients with a personal history of cancer may be screened periodically for evidence of disease recurrence. For many patients, the periodic examination may include blood tests (e.g., to check levels of cholesterol and other lipids), immunological tests (e.g., health care workers are periodically screened for tuberculosis), or invasive examinations (e.g., sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy to look for colon cancer). Synonym: annual exam; periodic medical examination See: mammography; Papanicolaou test; table under cancerperiodic medical examinationPeriodic health examination.physical examination Abbreviation: PEx Examination of the body by auscultation, palpation, percussion, inspection, and olfaction.radiological examinationExamination by various means of visualizing body spaces and organs and their functions, e.g., by computed tomography, fluoroscopy, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasonography, or related techniques.rapid trauma examRapid trauma assessment.rectoabdominal examinationPhysical examination of the abdomen and rectum, e.g., to determine the cause of abdominal pain, or to identify guarding, internal bleeding or organ enlargement, masses, or tenderness.
multilingual aphasia examination Abbreviation: MAE A battery of tests to measure language abilities in patients with speech disturbances. It consists of 11 components, including the abilities to repeat a sentence, spell, read, understand spoken directions, identify objects depicted in drawings, and articulate clearly. See also: examinationLegalSeeExaminationMAE Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.Acronym | Definition |
MAE➣Metropolitan Area Ethernet (as in MAE East) | MAE➣Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering | MAE➣My Alter Ego | MAE➣Mathematics in Engineering (various schools) | MAE➣Ministère des Affaires Étrangères (French) | MAE➣Ministero degli Affari Esteri (Italian Minstry of Foreign Affairs) | MAE➣Ministerul Afacerilor Externe (Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs) | MAE➣Mid-America Earthquake | MAE➣Mean Absolute Error | MAE➣Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering (various schools) | MAE➣Middletown Adult Education (Connecticut) | MAE➣Master of Arts in Education | MAE➣Mobility Assistive Equipment (Medicare) | MAE➣Metropolitan Area Ethernet | MAE➣Metropolitan Access Exchange | MAE➣Macintosh Application Environment | MAE➣Military Advanced Education (magazine; Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association) | MAE➣Mercado Atacadista de Energia | MAE➣Metropolitan Area Exchange | MAE➣Member of the Academia Europaea | MAE➣Military and Aerospace Electronics (conference) | MAE➣Major Account Executive (Sprint) | MAE➣Macintosh Application Environment (Apple) | MAE➣Medium Altitude Endurance | MAE➣Michigan Avenue Elementary School (Florida) | MAE➣Mustang Advanced Engineering (Twinsburg, OH) | MAE➣Mesures AgroEnvironnementales | MAE➣Maarten Altena Ensemble (Dutch musical group; est. 1980) | MAE➣Mutuelle des Affaires Etrangères (French: Mutual of Foreign Affairs; est. 1944) | MAE➣Material Adverse Event | MAE➣Master of Arts in Economics (degree) | MAE➣Member of the Academy of Experts (for expert witnesses in the UK) | MAE➣Multi-Sensory Aesthetic Experience | MAE➣Mississippi Association of Educators | MAE➣Master of Applied Epidemiology | MAE➣Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (St Petersburg, Russia) | MAE➣Magneto-Active Elastomer | MAE➣Máster en Administración de Empresas | MAE➣Mechanical/Auxiliary Equipment | MAE➣Mazda Automoviles Espana (Spanish car company) | MAE➣Metropolitan Access Exchange (Worldcom) | MAE➣Moves All Extremities | MAE➣Ministry of Agriculture and Environment (various locations) | MAE➣Ministry of Atomic Energy | MAE➣Mitsubishi Automotive Engineering Co., Ltd. | MAE➣Mercado Abierto Electrónico SA (Argentina) | MAE➣Maximum Allowable Emissions | MAE➣Mean Area of Effectiveness | MAE➣Major Accident Event (Occupational Health and Safety) | MAE➣Mission Accomplishment Estimate | MAE➣Massachusetts Association of Electrologists, Inc. | MAE➣Maximum Allowable Exposure | MAE➣Metro Area Ethernet | MAE➣Missile Accident Emergency | MAE➣Mitral Annular Excursion | MAE➣Mutual Assistance, Executive (Map Appropriation) | MAE➣Mobius Account Executive | MAE➣Monitoreo de Asistencia Escolar (Spanish: Attendance Monitoring; Guatemala) | ThesaurusSeenap |