Matvei Komarov

Komarov, Matvei


Born 1730’s; died 1812. Russian writer. Probably a serf, later a house manager. Usually signing himself “Matvei Komarov, resident of the reigning city of Moscow,” he published literary treatments of works popular in the manuscript tradition of the mid-18th century, including “The History of Van’ka Cain” (1779) and “Tale of the Adventure of the English Milord George” (1782). The tale of the “English milord” enjoyed success among uneducated readers and became a part of low-grade popular literature.


Opisanie trinadtsati starinnykh svadeb velikikh rossiiskikh kniazei i gosudarei. Moscow, 1785.


Shklovskii, V. Matvei Komarovzhitel’ goroda Moskvy. Leningrad, 1929.