LaSalle Lake State Fish & Wildlife Area

LaSalle Lake State Fish & Wildlife Area

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Illinois
Location:Northwest Illinois, 8 miles southeast of Marseilles.
Facilities:Fishing pier (é), boat ramp.
Activities:Boating, fishing (with catch limits).
Special Features:This manmade lake serves as a cooling lake for a nearby power station.Formed by levees that rise above the surrounding land, LaSalle Lake's"perched" construction helps the lake catch the wind to cool theimpounded water, but sudden high winds can result in extremelyhazardous conditions for unwary boaters. Due to the riprappedshoreline, there also is no natural shoreline for beaching boats. Allboaters are responsible for their own safety, and swimming, wading, andwater-skiing are prohibited, as are sailboats, sailboards, andsurfboards.
Address:2660 E 2350th Rd
Marseilles, IL 61341

Size: 2,058 acres.

See other parks in Illinois.