Nikolai Ivanovich Ashmarin

Ashmarin, Nikolai Ivanovich


Born Sept. 22 (Oct. 4), 1870, in Iadrin, Kazan Province; died Aug. 26, 1933, in Kazan. Soviet linguist; Turkologist. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1929).

Ashmarin is the author of the following works on the Chuvash Language: Materials for the Study of the Chuvash Language (1897–98), An Investigation of Chuvash Syntax (parts 1–2, 1903–23), and On the Morphological Categories of Imitation in the Chuvash Language (1928). His main work was the 17-volume Dictionary of the Chuvash Language (issues 1–17, 1928–58), which he prepared over a period of more than 30 years. Ashmarin collected and analyzed the folklore of the Chuvash people. He published the following books: Essay on Folk Poetry Among the Chuvashes (1892), Collection of Chuvash Songs Transcribed in the Provinces of Kazan, Simbirsk, and Ufa (1900), and A Collection of Chuvash Proverbs (1925).


Malov, S. E. “Pamiati N. I. Ashmarina.” Zapiski chuvashskogo Nauchno-issledovatel’skogo instituta iazyka, literatury i istorii, 1941, issue 1.
Egorov, V. G. N. I. Ashmarin kak issledovatel’ chuvashskogo iazyka: K 75-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia. Cheboksary, 1948.