Nikolai Iakubovich

Iakubovich, Nikolai Martynovich


Born 1816 in Little Russia; died Jan. 19, 1879, in St. Petersburg. Russian histologist and physiologist.

Iakubovich graduated from the University of Kharkhov in 1838. He became an adjunct professor at the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy in 1853 and an extraordinary professor in 1857. From 1860 to 1869 he was an ordinary professor at the academy. Iakubovich studied the histology of the brain and spinal cord in humans and animals and the topographic distribution of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord.


Lavdovskii, M. D. Istoricheskii ocherk kafedry gistologii i embriologii vimp. Voenno-meditsinskoi akademii. St. Petersburg, 1898.
Temer, Ia. M. “K istorii russkoi nevropatologii.” Nevropatologiia i psikhiatriia, 1950, vol. 19, no. 1.