释义 |
laryngopharyngeus in·fe·ri·or con·stric·tor (mus·cle) of phar·ynx [TA] lowest part of outer "circular" muscle layer of pharynx; origin, outer surfaces of thyroid (thyropharyngeal part [TA]) and cricoid (cricopharyngeal part [TA], musculus cricopharyngeus [TA]; superior or upper esophageal sphincter muscle) cartilages; insertion, pharyngeal raphe in the posterior portion of wall of pharynx; action, narrows lower part of pharynx in swallowing, the cricopharyngeal part has a sphincteric function for the esophagus, allowing some voluntary control of eructation and reflux; nerve supply, pharyngeal plexus (cranial root of accessory nerve via the vagus) and rami of the external and recurrent laryngeal nerves. Synonym(s): musculus constrictor pharyngis inferior [TA], musculus thyropharyngeus ☆ , laryngopharyngeus, musculus laryngopharyngeus, superior esophageal sphincterin·fer·i·or con·stric·tor mus·cle of phar·ynx (in-fēr'ē-ŏr kŏn-strik'tŏr mŭs'ĕl far'ingks) Origin, outer surfaces of thyroid (thyropharyngeal part) and cricoid (cricopharyngeal part, musculus cricopharyngeus; superior or upper esophageal sphincter muscle) cartilages; insertion, pharyngeal raphe in the posterior portion of wall of pharynx; action, narrows lower part of pharynx in swallowing, the cricopharyngeal part has a sphincteric function for the esophagus, allowing some voluntary control of eructation and reflux; nerve supply, pharyngeal plexus. Synonym(s): laryngopharyngeus, musculus constrictor pharyngis inferior, musculus laryngopharyngeus, superior esophageal sphincter. laryngopharyngeus (lă-rĭng″gō-fă-rĭn′jē-ŭs) The muscle that constricts the inferior pharynx. |