Nikolai Fedotovich Bazhin

Bazhin, Nikolai Fedotovich


(pseudonyms Kholodov, Seryi). Born June 23 (July 5), 1843, in Viatka; died Oct. 3 (16), 1908, in Sviiazhsk, Kazan Province. Russian writer; born into the family of an officer.

Bazhin studied in the Voronezh Military Academy and worked on the magazines Russkoe slovo and Delo. He is the author of the novellas Stepan Rulev (1864), Strangers Among One’s Own (1865), The School of Life (1865), and Three Families (1865), the novel Story of a Comradeship (1869), and others. Bazhin was a democrat-writer; the heroes of his works were the raznochintsy (intellectuals of no definite class), who were preparing themselves for social struggle.


Povesti i rasskazy. St. Petersburg, 1874.
Stepan Rulev. In the collection Russkie povesti XIX veka 60-kh godov, vol. 2. Moscow, 1956.