Larsen, Karl

Larsen, Karl


Born July 28, 1860, in Rendsborg; died July 11, 1931, in Copenhagen. Danish writer. Doctor of philosophy of the University of Jena in 1925.

Larsen’s sociopsychological novels, Doctor I (1896), A Woman’s Confession (1901), Aksel Halck’s Notes (1902), and A Modern Story of Everyday Life (1906), are linked to the traditions of Scandinavian folklore. Larsen has also written books of travel notes, including Poetical Germany (1898) and Beautiful Portugal (1904), as well as works of philology: Danish Argot and Slang (1895–96) and Danish Soldier’s Language (1895). Larsen’s allegory, The Day of Judgment (1908), was realized in 1940, the year that Denmark was occupied by fascist German troops.


Søndagsbørn og hverdagsmennesker, vols. 1–3. Copenhagen, 1909.
Udvalgte skrifter, vols. 1–4. Copenhagen, 1930.


Petersen, S., and V. Andersen. Illustreret dansk litteraturhistorie, vol. 4. Copenhagen-London-Berlin, 1925.
Dansk litteratur historic vol. 2. Copenhagen, 1965.