Larrabee State Park

Larrabee State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Washington
Location:6 miles south of Bellingham, on Samish Bay in Puget Sound.
Facilities:51 standard campsites, 26 utility campsites, 8 primitive campsites, group camp, 8 showers (é), 2 picnic shelters (with electricity), picnic area, beach access, boat launch, hiking trail, bike trail, amphitheater.
Activities:Camping, boating, fishing, clamming, crabbing, hiking, biking, scuba diving, beachcombing, windsurfing, birdwatching.
Special Features:Park includes two freshwater lakes, coves and tidelands, and 15 miles of foot trails, including two trails to mountain lakes.
Address:245 Chuckanut Dr
Bellingham, WA 98226

Size: 2,683 acres.

See other parks in Washington.